Blogging Again in 2024? Heck yeah.

— July 30, 2024 (5 comments)

This is not a drill, folks. I hear tell blogging died a long time ago. Well, guess what? Necromancy is a thing! I have need of this space, and I refuse to let the algorithms determine my internet experience. (And anyway, if social media is meant to be a replacement, I'd like to file some complaints.)

Here's the deal. After several years of freelancing in gamedev, my long-term contracts have wrapped up, so I'm returning the thing I love the most: helping writers get better at this word-writey thing we do.

I'm gonna offer that in two forms:

  1. Free tips here on the blog
  2. Professional editing for hire
That's right, you can hire me for editing again! Or spread the word to your writer friends! Because rebooting a freelance business is sketchy, and I appreciate all the help I can get. (Plus, I'm really good at editing. Ask anyone.)

So I'm dusting this thing off (and BOY was it dusty!) and plugging myself back in. If you wanna be here to see what comes next, subscribe or find my socials in the sidebar.

And if you'd like to hire me for editing, you can start that process right here.

I'm glad to be back on this thing. Change is scary, but I love editing and I love helping people. I'm excited about where this is going, and I hope you'll join me.

NOTE: If you were subscribed to my blog in the beforetimes, then hi! Welcome back! How have you been?

You're probably still subscribed, but if things look different from what you remember, it's because my old subscription service is dead and I had to find a Feedburner alternative. Thankfully, some parts of the internet still do things for those of us who were here when it began—even if they tack ads onto everything.

Enjoyed this post? Stay caught up on future posts by subscribing here.


  1. Congratulations on changes! Don't be scared.

    1. Thank you! I wish it were as simple as "not being scared," but I do really appreciate the encouragement!

  2. Welcome back! Wow, it's been over six years. And good to see you here again. Blogs are still where the good stuff is when you want to learn something!

  3. I'm proud of you. Change is scary. But editing is the most funnest job in the whole entire world. I bet you've missed it. We've sure missed you.
