Stormdancer Sketch

— November 02, 2012 (5 comments)
A scene from Jay Kristoff's STORMDANCER, based on the excerpt you can read at

This is one of my sell-out sketches, drawn trying to win an ARC of the book. I didn't get the ARC, but I did get a copy of THE LITTLE STORMDANCER, which is easily the next best thing. My kids love this little book.

If you haven't heard of STORMDANCER, here is everything you need to know about it: Japanese steampunk with griffins.

Yeah, that's how I felt about it too.

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  1. I hadn't heard of The Little Stormdancer. And love that Lotus War #1.5 subtitle.

  2. I follow another blog that was not so thrilled with some of the depictions found in Stormdancer. I've heard that it's supposed to be a really great novel thought.

  3. Holy crap, I need that immediately. *runsoff*

  4. There's a companion PB? How did I not possess this knowledge?
