"I now pronounce you Doctor and, well...Kaylee."

— June 01, 2012 (10 comments)
"Now kiss the gorram bride."

So what's your favorite Firefly episode? Mine's the one where this happened or, if we're being serious, "Objects in Space."

Sketch from Anthdrawlogy's weddings' week.

(Note: If you follow me in other places, you probably know something's going on with our family. I've decided to let the posts I've already scheduled continue as planned (largely because I don't have the time/inclination to change them), but if I'm slow or unresponsive with the comments, this is why.)

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  1. I hope Sarah is feeling better, and the hospital helps you work everything out!

    As for Firefly, I really liked the "Out of Gas" episode.

  2. Continuing to wish Sarah a steady progress in recovering.

    Dagblast I don't know the names of the episodes. But I really like the one where the captain and the pilot are held captive and the pilot's wife goes all slap-a-pow to save them. Yeah, I like that one a lot.

  3. Still praying for Sarah's continued improvement.

    As for Firefly, is "Out of Gas" the episode that keeps jumping around in the chronology, Laura? If so, that's my favorite, too:)

  4. Oh wow, Adam, I've been out of the loop for a few days & missed this. I sure hope Sarah is feeling better. You bet I'm gonna pray for her. I hope you get her a private room with a TV & everything works out without surgery. No need to comment back. God bless!

  5. Prayers offered for Sarah and your family, Adam. As far as Firefly, I think my fave's also "Out of Gas." Is that the one that opens with Mal bleeding out on the deck and he's the last one on board? That's my fave.

  6. I hope Sarah's gets better soon! Praying for you guys!!

  7. I'm sorry to hear about Sarah. Not being able to stay with her is awful, and it must be such a worrying time all round.

  8. Prayers going up for Sarah, Adam. Hope this is the ONLY episode!

  9. Just saw the movie last night. (Yes, I am catching up to the culture - slowly, but surely.)

    And here's wishing you and your family lots of calm, healthy days. Prayers have been sent.

    If she's bored, maybe she could write a story, or some letters. I'd send her books, but I'm sure you got that covered.
