Which Prize Would You Like?

— May 30, 2012 (9 comments)
If I were to, say, run semi-regular contests around here, what sorts of prizes would you be most interested in, do you think?

For those suggesting their own prizes in the comments, remember this is for science; try to be mostly serious. Emmet, I'm looking at you.

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  1. The only problem with Amazon gift cards is that anyone not in a country with Amazon will have to pay a crazy amount for shipping.

  2. I see that "flying buffalo" is not one of the options. Tsk. Some people might want their own Appa.

    Seriously, though--Query and manuscript critiques are good, but what about also a short story critique? I'd be interested.

    1. About the short story critique, I would consider that equivalent to a partial manuscript (or a query, if it were flash fiction).

  3. It's hard to comment here after seeing your Facebook status. Normally I would try to say something funny, but it wouldn't be appropriate today.

  4. I couldn't vote for more than one, so I voted for gift cards. But if I HAD been able to vote for more than one, I would have voted for books and custom sketches. (I love how Natalie Whipple draws for her contest winners sometimes. It'd be cool to have an illustration of a scene from your manuscript.)

    Of course, we writers always like critiques, too. Whenever I offer a critique, I always get way more takers than I might have expected...

  5. Sounds like a fun idea. I should have people vote before my next give away. it might help.

    And yes, no one does seem to understand space-time dilation. They need to watch more Doctor Who.

  6. I didn't vote but that's because they're all good and it limited me to one. I couldn't choose just one.

  7. If I could I would vote for all of them, as they all are great. I clicked on the gift card but any of the critiques would be a close second.

  8. I am "bullet voting" the sketch. Please, please, please WIN.
