Getting better at something is a very, very, slowly, gradually, very, very slow thing

— April 20, 2012 (4 comments)
And that's all I have to say about that.

(Totally unrelated, my agent sister Daisy Carter is having a Q&A with our agent on her blog. So if you've got any questions for Tricia Lawrence (and maybe want to win a free book), head on over there!)

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  1. OT, but did you see that aerial photo I mentioned you in on Facebook? The school that looks like the Millennium Falcon?

    On my way to read the post.

  2. Grass makes me itchy.

    Thanks for linking! :)

  3. Yes, that's exactly what writing a novel feels like sometimes. I totally needed this today.

  4. My next door neighbor cuts his grass with scissors. Really. That ain't no joke!
