Loincloths and the Undead

— July 11, 2011 (6 comments)
A brief selfish request (last one, I promise!): "Pawn's Gambit" made it to voting round two! So please, PLEASE, if you're on Facebook, vote for it here to get it into Beneath Ceaseless Skies' Year Two Anthology. (Please?!).

And now our regularly scheduled post:

So I'm not drawing every day, but Marie Criddle did convince me to join this group blog where we draw every week. I'll probably cross-post things here every once in a while, but if you're interested in random sketches by some fantastic artists (and some by me too), head on over to Anthdrawology.

Last week's theme was "Board Games." Check it out.

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  1. LOL! That is hilarious, and oddly cute. :)

  2. Awesome! And only a boy skeleton would be wondering about function. It obviously adds glamour. :)

  3. I saw that on anthdrawology and laughed and laughed there. I love it!

  4. Hehe great sketch! And thanks for the link to the group art blog. I ADORE Marie Criddle's work. :)

  5. Totally agree, Linda. She's kind of amazing.

  6. Love it then, love it now. The first one looks so PROUD!

    I'm thrilled you're a part on Anthdrawlogy, Adam...we seriously wouldn't be the same without you. :)
