Question/Answer Time

— June 24, 2011 (8 comments)
It's been a while since I opened things up for questions, so now's your chance. Same as before: ask anything you like in the comments -- serious or silly, professional or totally inappropriate -- and next week I will answer your questions. I'll probably even tell the truth.

And because I hate leaving you with nothing on a Friday, here's a peek at what it looks like when I'm reading your comments and blogs.

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  1. Your Q&A comes with sound effects: how much input do you have in that aspect of your videos? Can you request certain sound effects?

  2. LOL! Wait, is that a commentary on the comments or the blogs??

    Q: When are you going to start writing for children? You have a massive built in critique group. :)

  3. If you could fight anyone from history, who would it be?

  4. Too cute!

    Hmm, a question... Where or when would you vacation if money and time were no object?

  5. If you could be any superhero who would you be and why?

  6. Susan, I certainly didn't mean it to be a commentary on what I'm reading. more on what I live with :-)

  7. I applaud Ann's question, though I would like clarification. Is he to assume the identity of an existing superhero (I think there are laws against that), or to create a new superhero, with new, special powers?

    My question: If you could become any animal (and turn back) what animal would it be? (*points to my icon* I think you can guess mine.)
