Jonathan Coulton, Code Monkey

— May 28, 2010 (8 comments)
This is easily my favorite Johnathan Coulton song. Probably because I can identify so strongly with it. It's also a pretty good AMV to go with it.

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  1. When this came up in my google reader I nearly clicked past it - until I noticed which blog it was on. I'm glad I did!

    I don't always listen to songs because I have so much trouble hearing the lyrics but this was worth it!

  2. Aw! Thanks, fairy! I'm glad you like it.

    I set up more videos than normal while I'm "gone", but I do like Jonathan Coulton. In fact, I think I'll watch this one again...

  3. this has been one of my favorite songs for a while now! I am glad it's getting around.

  4. C. Michael: us Office Space types gotta stick together. Got any other JoCo favorites? I'm always looking for new ones.

  5. Oh, I didn't know Jonathan Coulton did this song! Wow--this and the Portal song; I really have to hear more of this guy's work!

    Random word verification: stereo

  6. JJ, sometimes I think the word verification is only pretending to be random.

  7. Good choice, man!

    I love this song. It pretty much summed up my life as a programmer a couple of years ago, too.
