I've Never Been This Excited About 4,400 Words

— April 09, 2010 (14 comments)
First off, a HUGE thanks to agented author and writer of ninja fiction (among other things) Natalie Whipple for the revamped blog header you see above. She has an amazing knack for matching people to fonts. She's like the eHarmony of graphic design. Anyway, the header was the last tweak this blog needed. Now.....it's PERFECT.

Everything is proceeding as I have foreseen it.


You also may recall somebody bought a short story of mine set in the Air Pirates' world. Well the date has been set, and on April 22nd you'll all be able to read "Pawn's Gambit" at Beneath Ceaseless Skies (yes, all of you -- it's free).

That's less than two weeks. I am disproportionately (though understandably) excited about this. It blows my mind that somebody liked something I wrote so much that they paid me money for it. I'm still unconvinced that anyone else will enjoy it, so I'm planning a contest to swindle all of you into reading it. Nothing big -- I'm not arm wrestling my sister or anything -- but I am going to give away a free book, so you should pay attention.

Until then, you can get a taste of the story here at the BCS website. Or you can check out the poor man's book trailer: the wordle!

Honestly, if you get anything out of this, I will be both shocked and awed.

Are you excited yet?!!?!


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  1. Having read your MS, I'm tremendously excited. I loved the world you created there and I still love its vibrancy.

    All I got from the Wordle was that you used Aye and Know a lot. Not really surprised there. :)

  2. I like it! I have to wordle the first chapter of my novel now.

    I like the big Aye in the top right. That's how I know it will be a good pirate story.

  3. Ya, you apparently say 'ain't' a lot...so I'm in! Gotta read a story that uses ain't.

  4. I don't know about you guys, but it's incredibly fun for me to see what you guys get out of the wordle.

    Personally, I'm always looking for my made-up slang, like knocker, netter, and nutted. If you like, there's a (slightly over-the-top) taste of the world here.

  5. What's "eydium?"

    I can't imagine anyone who reads your blog not wanting to read your short story. Thanks for the info.

    And I like your header.

  6. The echo graphic is perfect, I can almost hear it bouncing back of the cliff face.

    Can't wait to read the story; congratulations, Adam.

  7. Myrna, it's actually supposed to be cydium (blame the font), and I guess you'll have to wait to find out ;-)

    (I can't believe I just did that)

  8. The header looks great.

    Congratulations on getting paid for a story! That is super cool.

  9. Congratulations, Adam! Both cool and lucrative. LOL

  10. Big props -- and I love word clouds :) -- my eyes went immediately to harpoon (and thought of death by harpoon -- not a pleasant way to go).

  11. Geekery. I love it.

    And anything with knockers and harpoons, I'm wanting to read.

